Saturday, October 25, 2008

Take Photographs to Take Photographs

I was surprised at myself when I realized I had never mentioned how just getting out and taking more photographs is a key in helping develop your business. If you only pick up your camera when you are getting paid you will live a short life as a photographer.

It is important to challenge yourself and your style. Create projects and shoot new and exciting images for your portfolio that represent the type of work you want to be getting paid to produce. It works double because you can use it for the next promo you should be sending out every 4-8 weeks.

I personally don’t believe you need to stick to one particular niche to make it as a photographer. It works for some people but I myself want to have the opportunity to shoot many different projects so I am continually evolving and adapting to the changes from what is going on around me. From what’s popular in European Vogue to new styles in pop coulter. Being able to change and adapt will help you create the most success.

Unfortunately I have seen many photographers that have been around for a long time start to go out of business and take on new jobs. Their clients slowly slip away and for many different reasons. To compete in this market today you need to keep producing new fresh images and market them appropriately. If you have a website from 5 years ago have a new one made. A client will turn and walk at first site of an outdated website.

I sort of dragged this into two categories but I hope you get the point. Stay on top of your game by shooting all the time and things change so change with them.

Alleh Lindquist | Portland Fashion & Advertising Photographer


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