Promo Cards
It has been awhile sense my last post so I figured I would kick things off again. Considering the current economical state right now a key factor to staying in business is going to be your marketing and part of your marketing in my opinion should be printed promos. You don't have to go all out with this and spend a ton of money just keep it simple and consistent. Here is my most recent promo card.

And here is the backside with just my logo and address.

I am sending out one image on an 5x7 card each month to a very select list of people. The cost is low but it still keeps my name rolling around the industry which is the key to getting the phone to ring. On top of print promos monthly email promos are an obvious choice as they can be sent to a much wider audience for very little money.

And here is the backside with just my logo and address.

I am sending out one image on an 5x7 card each month to a very select list of people. The cost is low but it still keeps my name rolling around the industry which is the key to getting the phone to ring. On top of print promos monthly email promos are an obvious choice as they can be sent to a much wider audience for very little money.